Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Jerry Bruckheimer is good at two things: greenlighting massive explosions and turning American dollars into "Brucks" aka: money in his pocket aka: box-office gold. He was probably landing his helicopter on his boat one day when he had this thought, "Actors? I don't need no stinkin' actors." And the idea for G-force was born. Why not have a bunch of CGI nerds create an elite team of Guinea Pigs to blow things up and save the world? But why Guinea Pigs Mr. Bruckheimer? Why the hell not Guinea Pigs, oh ye of rodent discrimination? Besides, insiders know that the CGI hamster union in Hollywood are a bunch of primadonas (they hang out with Megan Fox, and Jerry B hates her after she attacked his bromance with Michael Bay)

Also, the Guinea Pig geeks work for half the salary of other CGI rodent creators. That means more money in that bloated Disney budget for cinematic firebombs! While Bruckheimer produced the movie, it was directed by someone named "Hoyt Y Doyoucare" I think he may be a CGI Guinea Pig as well. Even without the voice talent of Nicolas Cage, Penelope Cruz, and other A-list stars cashing a check, this film would make millions of "Brucks," but you and your whiny children should wait for the DVD. It's basically "Spy Kids" if the kids were covered in fur and smelled like they slept in cedar chips soaked with their own urine.

(Brendan Blowers never saw Spy Kids either)

(CGI Guinea Pigs WERE hurt during the making of this film!)

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