Friday, February 20, 2009


I'm so glad someone finally made a movie like this. It sheds light on an important fact that Americans need to know; their banks are trying to kill them. That's right. It's not enough for banks to take your home and gamble your hard-earned money away on bad investments-they actually want to take your life. In fact, if you have money in the bank and are reading this, the only reason you are still alive is because you are worth more to your bank breathing at this moment than you are dead. The same can't be said for Clive Owen's character in this film. He went and pissed off not only his bank, but a lot of other banks all over the world (hence the 'international' tag) and these financial institutions he wronged will stop at nothing to see him go through a series of frenetically edited car chases and shootouts, until finally, either he, or every bank in the world dies. Clive Owen's life, or complete financial collapse. These are the stakes. Go see this movie-just don't let your bank know who you rooted for.

Disclaimer: Brendan Blowers has not seen this movie. All commentary is pure assumption based off of his limited resources.

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